Posts Tagged "Jest"

Jest Is No Longer My Go-To Testing Framework

In the tech world, Jest is the go-to testing framework for many projects. It's easy to set up, integrates nicely with your codebase, and can get the job done pretty well. That's also the reason why all the project starter templates I have created have Jest baked into it, with other auxiliary libraries such as jest-mock-extended to make mocking services for unit tests (UTs) a breeze. But, as our test-suites started to grow in different projects, people started to complain about how long it takes for tests to run. The issue is exacerbated by the fact that the projects also have `husky` installed, and as part of the pre-commit routine, it runs at least the UTs and some integration tests. In essence, Jest was getting the job done, but it was behaving like a reluctant teenager asked to do chores.